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박상웅 교수

박상웅 교수

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  • 건국대학교 생의생약학과 이학사(2006)
    건국대학교 의과대학 대학원 의학석사(2008)
    건국대학교 의과대학 대학원 의학박사(2011)
  • 주요경력

  • 現 을지대학교 응급구조학과 부교수
    現 대한생리학회 회원
    現 미국 생물물리학회 회원
    現 한국 평활근학회 회원
    現 이온통로 연구회 회원
    前 Albany medical center (NY) Post-Doc fellow
  • 연구실적

  • [논문 및 보고서]
    Receptor-specific contributions of caveolae, PKC, and Src tyrosine kinase to serotonergic and adrenergic regulation of Kv channels and vasoconstriction.
    Sung DJ, Park S, Noh HJ, Golpasandi S, Eun SH, Lee H, Kim B, Wie J, Seo MS, Park SW, Bae YM. Life Sci. 2023
    Differential expression profiles of miRNA in the serum of sarcopenic rats.
    Yu W, Yang MK, Sung DJ, Park TJ, Kim M, Ntigura E, Kim SH, Kim B, Park SW, Bae YM. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2022
    Protective effect of low-intensity treadmill exercise against acetylcholine-calcium chloride-induced atrial fibrillation in mice. Sung DJ, Jeon YK, Choi J, Kim B, Golpasandi S, Park SW, Oh SB, Bae YM. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 2022
    Blue laser-induced selective vasorelaxation by the activation of NOSs. Park SW, Park S, Choi HK, Park HJ, Yu W, Kim HS, Jeon M, Chung SC, Ban K, Moon S, Bae YM.Microvasc Res. 2021
    The Piezo2 ion channel is mechanically activated by low-threshold positive pressure. Shin KC, Park HJ, Kim JG, Lee IH, Cho H, Park C, Sung TS, Koh SD, Park SW, Bae YM. Sci Rep. 2019
    Measurement of Ion Concentration in the Unstirred Boundary Layer with Open Patch-Clamp Pipette: Implications in Control of Ion Channels by Fluid Flow. Kim JG, Park SW, Shin KC, Kim B, Byun D, Bae YM. J Vis Exp. 2019
    Hydrogen peroxide constricts rat arteries by activating Na -permeable and Ca2 -permeable cation channels. Park HJ, Shin KC, Yoou SK, Kang M, Kim JG, Sung DJ, Yu W, Lee Y, Kim SH, Bae YM, Park SW. Free Radic Res. 2019
    Effects of an ethanolic extract of mulberry fruit on blood pressure and vascular remodeling in spontaneous hypertensive rats. Park SW, Shin KC, Yoou SK, Park HJ, Eun SH, Bae YM, Lee HM, Chae HJ, Chae SW, Choi BH. Clin Exp Hypertens. 2019
    Enhancement of 5-HT2A receptor function and blockade of Kv1.5 by MK801 and ketamine: implications for PCP derivative-induced disease models. Lin H, Kim JG, Park SW, Noh HJ, Kim JM, Yoon CY, Woo NS, Kim B, Il Cho S, Choi BH, Sung DJ, Bae YM. Exp Mol Med. 2018
    Caveolar remodeling is a critical mechanotransduction mechanism of the stretch-induced L-type Ca2 channel activation in vascular myocytes. Park SW, Shin KC, Park HJ, Yoou SK, Park JY, Kang YS, Sung DJ, Kim JG, Park SH, Kim B, Cho H, Bae YM. Pflugers Arch. 2017
    Fluid flow facilitates inward rectifier K current by convectively restoring [K ] at the cell membrane surface. Kim JG, Park SW, Byun D, Choi WS, Sung DJ, Shin KC, Kim HJ, Leem YE, Kang JS, Cho H, Kim B, Cho SI, Bae YM. Sci Rep. 2016
    Generation of Integration-free Induced Neural Stem Cells from Mouse Fibroblasts. Kim SM, Kim JW, Kwak TH, Park SW, Kim KP, Park H, Lim KT, Kang K, Kim J, Yang JH, Han H, Lee I, Hyun JK, Bae YM, Schöler HR, Lee HT, Han DW. J Biol Chem. 2016
    Impaired Inactivation of L-Type Ca2 Current as a Potential Mechanism for Variable Arrhythmogenic Liability of HERG K Channel Blocking Drugs. Kim JG, Sung DJ, Kim HJ, Park SW, Won KJ, Kim B, Shin HC, Kim KS, Leem CH, Zhang YH, Cho H, Bae YM. PLoS One. 2016
    Diverse effects of a 445 nm diode laser on isometric contraction of the rat aorta. Park SW*, Shin KC, Park HJ, Lee IW, Kim HS, Chung SC, Kim JS, Jun JH, Kim B, Bae YM. Biomed Opt Express. 2015
    Blockade of voltage-gated K⁺ currents in rat mesenteric arterial smooth muscle cells by MK801. Kim JM*, Park SW*, Lin HY, Shin KC, Sung DJ, Kim JG, Cho H, Kim B, Bae YM. J Pharmacol Sci. 2015
    Hydrogen peroxide induces vasorelaxation by enhancing 4-aminopyridine-sensitive Kv currents through S-glutathionylation. Park SW*, Noh HJ, Sung DJ, Kim JG, Kim JM, Ryu SY, Kang K, Kim B, Bae YM, Cho H. Pflugers Arch. 2015
    Serotonin contracts the rat mesenteric artery by inhibiting 4-aminopyridine-sensitive Kv channels via the 5-HT2A receptor and Src tyrosine kinase. Sung DJ, Noh HJ, Kim JG, Park SW, Kim B, Cho H, Bae YM. Exp Mol Med. 2013
    Distinct activity of BK channel β1-subunit in cerebral and pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Zheng YM, Park SW, Stokes L, Tang Q, Xiao JH, Wang YX. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2013

    쉽게 배우는 인체의 구조와 기능 바이오사이언스출판사 (2023)
    보건인을 위한 인체 생리학 의학교육 (2020)
    기본응급약리학 한미의학 (2020)
    인체생리학 메디컬사이언스 (2018)
  • 연구분야

  • 산화스트레스에 의한 이온 전류의 변화 연구
    Caveolin 단백질의 기능 연구
    레이저에 의한 혈관 이완 조절 연구
  • 특허

  • 신규 뇌혈관질환 또는 뇌졸중 치료용 약학적 조성물 10-1912332-0000
    신규 고혈압 치료용 약학적 조성물 특허 10-1907909
    포스포리파제 C감마 또는 표피성장인자 수용체 저해제를 유효성분으로 포함하는 고혈압 치료 또는 예방용 조성물 10-1328137-0000
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