-한림대학교 식품영양학과 이학사
-한림대학교 식품영양학과 이학석사
-서울대학교 의과대학 이학박사 (생화학 및 분자의학)
-한국차세대과학기술 한림원 회원
-한국식생활문화학회 편집이사
-한국영양학회 대의원
-한국식품영양학회 편집위원
-식품의약품안전평가원 안전기술 수준평가 위원
-Anti-skinaging effects of Gryllus bimaculatus on ERM-CZ100-exposed human diploid fibroblasts, Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2023
-Eupatilin Alleviates Hyperlipidemia in Mice by Inhibiting HMG-CoA Reductase, Biochemistry Research International, 2023
-Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant Activity of Korean Seaweeds Extracts. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture, 2023
-Synthesis and biological investigation of protein phosphatase 2A‐activating compounds with dimeric tail as non‐small cell lung cancer cell death agents, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2023
-Phosphorylation of tyrosine-14 on Caveolin-1 enhances lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in human intestinal Caco-2 cells, Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry, 2023
-Mebendazole Impedes the Proliferation and Migration of Pancreatic Cancer Cells through SK1 Inhibition Dependent Pathway, Molecules, 2022
-Prevention of LPS-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Mice by Bavachin and Its Potential Mechanisms, Antioxidants, 2022
-Gryllus bimaculatus extract ameliorates high-fat diet-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia by inhibiting hepatic lipogenesis through AMPK activation, Food Science and Biotechnology, 2022
-The effects of Allomyrina dichotoma larval extract on palmitate-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells, Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2022
-TGF-β activates NLRP3 inflammasome by an autocrine production of TGF-β in LX-2 human hepatic stellate cells, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2022
-Novel Dimer Derivatives of PF-543 as Potential Antitumor Agents for the Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Pharmaceutics, 2022
-Synthesis and Cytotoxic Activity of Fingolimod (FTY720) Analogs with Various Amide Head Groups, 2022
-Synthesis of PP2A-Activating PF-543 Derivatives and Investigation of Their Inhibitory Effects on Pancreatic Cancer Cells, Molecules, 2022
-SK1 inhibitor RB005 Induces Apoptosis in Colorectal Cancer Cells through SK1 Inhibition Dependent and Independent Pathway, Current Molecular Pharmacology, 2022
-식문화 연구동향 분석-1986 년부터 2020 년까지 한국식생활문화학회지에 발표된 논문을 중심으로. 한국식생활문화학회지, 2022
-Determining the anticancer activity of sphingosine kinase inhibitors containing heteroatoms in their tail structure, Pharmaceutics, 2022
-Gryllus bimaculatus Extract Protects against Lipopolysaccharide-Derived Inflammatory Response in Human Colon Epithelial Caco-2 Cells, Insects, 2021
-Anti-Inflammatory Activity of AF-13, an Antioxidant Compound Isolated from the Polar Fraction of Allomyrina dichotoma Larva, in Palmitate-Induced INS-1 Cells, Life, 2021
-Protective Effect of Cudrania tricuspidata Extract against High-Fat Diet Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease through Nrf-2/HO-1 Pathway, Molecules, 2021
-Analysis of Nutrient Intake Status of Adult Men in Areas with High Levels of Fine Dust Pollution: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2017), Journal of the Korean Society of -Food Culture, 2021
-Allomyrina dichotoma larva extract attenuates free fatty acid-induced lipotoxicity in pancreatic beta cells, Nutrition Research and Practice, 2021
-Effects of a Health Drink Containing the Extract of the Hovenia Dulcis Fruit Stalk and Theracurmin, on Ethanol-Induced Hangover, Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture, 2021
-Biophysical characterization of antibacterial compounds derived from pathogenic fungi Ganoderma boninense, Journal of Microbiology, 2021
-Allomyrina dichotoma larval extract attenuates intestinal barrier disruption by altering inflammatory response and tight junction proteins in lipopolysaccharide-induced Caco-2 cells, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020
-2013-2017 국민건강영양조사 자료에 근거한 미세먼지 오염도가 높은 지역의40세 이상 성인남성의 식생활과 건강관련 특성 및 질환 상관성 분석, 한국식생활 문화학회지, 2020
-Development and Application of an Antibody That Binds to interleukin-1β of Various Mammalian Species for the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020
-Verification of the necessity of the tolyl group of PF-543 for sphingosine kinase 1 inhibitory activity, Molecules, 2020
-Prevention of Oxidative Stress-Induced Pancreatic Beta Cell Damage by Broussonetia Kazinoki Siebold Fruit Extract Via the ERK-Nox4 Pathway, Antioxidants, 2020
-The effects of body mass index and body shape perceptions of South Korean adults on weight control behaviors; Correlation with quality of sleep and residence of place, Nutrition Research and Practice, 2020
-Upregulation of caveolin-1 and its colocalization with cytokine receptors contributes to beta cell apoptosis., Scientific Report, 2019
-Allomyrina dichotoma Larva Extract Ameliorates the Hepatic Insulin Resistance of High-Fat Diet-Induced Diabetic Mice. Nutrient, 2019
-Lysophosphatidic Acid Signaling in Diabetic Nephropathy. Int J Mol Sci. 2019
-Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of PF-543 Derivative Containing Aliphatic Side Chain. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2019
-MicroRNA-181c Inhibits Interleukin-6-mediated Beta Cell Apoptosis by Targeting TNF-α Expression. Molecules, 2019
-Lysophosphatidic acid increases mesangial cell proliferation in models of diabetic nephropathy via Rac1/MAPK/KLF5 signaling. Experimental Molecular Medicine, 2019
-Protectove effect of lycopene against cytokine-induced beta-cell apoptosis in INS-1 cells. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2018
-Synthesis of dansyl labeled sphingosine kinase 1 inhibitor. Chem Phys Lipids, 2018
-Fatty acid induced-lipotoxicity in pancreatic beta-cells during development of type 2 diabetes. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 2018
-Liquiritigenin prevents palmitate-induced beta-cell apoptosis via estrogen receptor-mediated AKT activation. Biomed Pharmacother, 2018
-Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 on oxidative stress and Nrf2 signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018
-Synthesis of FTY derivatives containing serine structure. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2018
-Psoralea corylifolia L.seed extract attenuates diabetic nephropathy by inhibiting renal fibrosis and apoptosis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. Nutrient, 2017
-Compound 19e, a novel glucokinase activator, protects against cytokine-induced beta-cell apoptosis in INS-1 cells. Front Pharmacol, 2017
-Blocking lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 signaling inhibits diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice, Kidney Int, 2017
-Protective Effect of Psoralea corylifolia L. Seed Extract against Palmitate-Induced Neuronal Apoptosis in PC12 Cells, ECAM, 2016
-Bioactive Compounds and Their Neuroprotective Effects in Diabetic Complications, Nutrients, 2016
-Increase of Calcium Sensing Receptor Expression Is Related to Compensatory Insulin Secretion during Aging in Mice, PLoS One, 2016
-Angelica dahurica Extracts Improve Glucose Tolerance through the Activation of GPR119., PloS One, 2016
-Benzyl Isothiocyanate Inhibits Prostate Cancer Development in the Transgenic Adenocarcinoma Mouse Prostate (TRAMP) Model, Which Is Associated with the Induction of Cell Cycle G1 Arrest, Int J Mol Sci, 2016
-Psoralea corylifolia L. Seed Extract Attenuates Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice, Nutrients, 2016
-Betacellulin ameliorates hyperglycemia in obese diabetic db/db mice, JMM, 2015
-Plant-Derived Compounds Targeting Pancreatic Beta Cells for the Treatment of Diabetes., ECAM, 2015
-Mechanistic insights into pancreatic beta-cell mass regulation by glucose and free fatty acids, Anat Cell Biol, 2015
-Amelioration of high fat diet-induced glucose intolerance by blockade of Smad4 in pancreatic beta-cells, Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 2015
-Role of bioactive food components in diabetes prevention : effects on beta- cell function and preservation, Nutrition and Metabolic Insight, 2014
-Treatment with glucokinase activator, YH-GKA, increases cell proliferation and decreases glucotoxic apoptosis in INS-1 cells, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014
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