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  • 서울대학교 자연과학대학 화학과(이학사)
    서울대학교 보건대학원 환경보건학과(보건학석사)
    서울대학교 대학원 보건학과(보건학박사, 환경보건학 전공)
  • 주요경력

  • 1999.4 ~ 2000.3 : 서울대학교 보건과학연구소 연구원
    2001.3 ~ 2007.2 : 서울보건대학 환경보건과 교수
    2006.6 ~ 현재 : (사)한국환경보건학회 이사
    2007.3 ~ 현재 : 을지대학교 보건산업대학 보건환경안전학과 교수
    2010.5 ~ 현재 : 보건의료인국가시험원 시험위원(위생사)
  • 연구실적

  • Effect of chronic exposure to acetaminophen and lincomycin on Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) and freshwater cladocerans Daphnia, Chemosphere, 2012
    Lung function decline and blood lead among residents nearby to industrial complex, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2012
    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)-derived national discharge loads of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 201–202:82–91, 2012
    Pharmaceutical Residues in Wastewater Treatment Plants and Surface Waters in Bangkok (Thailand), Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 16(1):88-91, 2012
    흡연자와 비흡연자의 소변 중 다환방향족탄화수소(PAHs) 대사체 농도 비교, 한국환경보건학회지, 37(6):474-481, 2011
    Trans-Placental Transfer of Thirteen Perfluorinated Compounds and Relations with Fetal Thyroid Hormones, Environmental Science and Technology, 45:7465-7472, 2011
    부천지역 만삭 임신부의 프탈레이트 노출 정도 측정: 예비 실험연구, Korean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 54(3):140-146, 2011
    Occurrence of perfluorooctanoate and perfluorooctanesulfonate in the Korean water system: Implication to water intake exposure, Environmental Pollution, 159(5):1167-1173, 2011
    Chronic exposure to diclofenac on two fresh water cladocerans and Japanese medaka, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74(5):1216-1225, 2011
    Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) exposure increases cadmium toxicity in early life stage of zebrafish (Danio rerio), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(4):870-877, 2011
    Determination of Phthalate Metabolites in Human Serum and Urine as Biomarkers for Phthalate Exposure using Column-Switching LC-MS/MS, Safety and Health at Work, 2(1):57-64, 2011
    LC-MS/MS를 이용한 인체시료 중 프탈레이트 대사체 동시분석법 확립, 한국환경보건학회지, 36(6), 510-517, 2010
    Extensive Changes to Occupational Exposure Limits in Korea, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 58(2), 345-348, 2010
    Influence of water and food consumption on inadvertent antibiotics intake among general population, Environmental Research, 110(7), 641-649, 2010
    Identification of Estrone in Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Extracts by Liquid hromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Food Science and Biotechnology, 19(3), 809-813, 2010
    Influence of a five-day vegetarian diet on urinary levels of antibiotics and phthalate metabolites: A pilot study with ‘‘TempleStay’’ participants, Environmental Research, 110(4), 375-382, 2010
    LC/MS/MS를 이용한 산화성 스트레스 지표로써 소변 중 8-Isoprostanes 분석, 한국환경보건학회지, 36(1), 44-51, 2010
    서울시 하수처리장 방류수 및 한강 내 PFOA와 PFOS의 과불화화합물 모니터링 연구, 한국환경보건학회지, 35(4), 334-342, 2009
    Pharmacological Stimulation of NADH Oxidation Ameliorates Obesity and Related Phenotypes in Mice, Diabetes, 58(4), 965-974, 2009
    LC/MS/MS를 이용한 어린이 소변 중 프탈레이트 대사산물 분석, 한국환경보건학회지, 34(4), 271-278, 2008
    Acute Effect of Tobacco and Non-tobacco Cigarette Smoking on the Blood Pressure and Heart Rate, Korean J. Environmental Health, 32(3), 222-226, 2006
    Fluoride Intake by the Duplicate-Diet Technique and Urinary Excretion in Korean Children Aged 3-6 Years, Korean J. Environmental Health, 31(6), 475-482, 2005
  • 연구분야

  • 환경유해물질의 인체노출량 및 건강영향 평가
    생체지표(biomarker) 및 바이오모니터링 기법 개발 및 적용
    기기분석을 이용한 환경유해물질의 정성/정량 분석
  • 리스트