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김건아 교수

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실험동물의학, 질환모델동물 분석 
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일현관 721호  
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주요 경력

  • 2020.03 - 현재 을지대학교(대전캠퍼스) 의과대학 임상병리학과 조교수
    2014.12. - 2020.02. 서울대학교 수의과대학 연구조교수
    2018.06 - 현재 서울대학교 동물실험윤리위원회 전문위원
    2017.09 - 2018.02 협성대학교 동물실험윤리위원회 위원
    2018.09 - 현재
  • 연구실적

  • [발표논문 SCI(E)]

    1. Kim EH, Kim GA, Taweechaipaisankul A, Lee SH, Muhammad Q, Ahn C, Lee BC. (2019) Melatonin enhances porcine embryo development via the Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway. J Mol Endocrinol 63(3): 175–185.

    2. Taweechaipaisankul A, Kim GA, Jin JX, Lee S, Qasim M, Kim EH, Lee BC. (2019) Enhancement of epigenetic reprogramming status of porcine cloned embryos with zebularine, a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor. Mol Reprod Dev. 86(8): 1013-1022.

    3. Lee SH, Ra JC, Oh HJ, Kim MJ, Setyawan EMN, Choi YB, Yang JW, Kang SK, Han SH, Kim GA, Lee BC. (2019) Clinical Assessment of Intravenous Endothelial Progenitor Cell Transplantation in Dogs. Cell Transplant. 28(7):943-954.

    4. Qasim M, Jin JX, Lee S, Taweechaipaisankul A, Setyawan EMN, Kim GA, Lee BC. (2019) Effects of manganese on maturation of porcine oocytes in vitro and their subsequent embryo development after parthenogenetic activation and somatic cell nuclear transfer. J Reprod Dev. 65(3):259-265.

    5. Taweechaipaisankul A, Jin JX, Lee S, Kim GA, Suh YH, Ahn MS, Park SJ, Lee BY, Lee BC. (2019) Improved early development of porcine cloned embryos by treatment with quisinostat, a potent histone deacetylase inhibitor. J Reprod Dev. 65(2):103-112.

    6. Kim GA, Lee EM, Cho B, Alam Z, Kim SJ, Lee S, Oh HJ, Hwang JI, Ahn C, Lee BC. (2019) Generation by somatic cell nuclear transfer of GGTA1 knockout pigs expressing soluble human TNFRI-Fc and human HO-1. Transgenic Res. 28(1):91-102.

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