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  • 국민대학교 운동처방 및 재활학과 졸업 (‘99)스포츠학석사
    을지대학교 보건학과 졸업 (‘13)보건학박사
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  • [논문]
    방문재활 물리치료 도입 방안에 관한 연구: 뇌혈관질환을 중심으로= A study on the introduction of home-based physical therapy rehabilitation services
    뇌혈관 질환자를 대상으로 한 방문재활 물리치료의 비용 편익분석
    요통환자의 인성변화에 대한 임상적 고찰
    3차원 요부안정화 운동이 20대 요통환자의 통증과 동적 및 정적 균형능력 향상에 미치는 효과 = The Effects of 3-Dimensional Lumbar Stabilization Exercise have an effect on the improvement of pain and static or dynamic balance ability in 20`s age group with Low Back Pain
    근지구력과 근력 트레이닝 후 FRT에 의한 요부근육 근섬유 비율과 근력의 변화 = The change of lumbar muscle fiber-type and strength composition on the basis of FRT after performed power and endurance training program
    요통환자의 정신건강에 관한 연구
    A Study on the Introduction of Home-Based Physical Therapy for Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
    A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Home-based Rehabilitative Physical Therapy Services : Focused on Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
    전문가 그룹의 심층면접을 통한 가정방문 물리치료도입에 관한 연구 = Research Article : Open Access ; A Study for Home-based Physical Therapy Service Introduction through a Group of Professionals In-depth Interview
    Effects of the Use of Smart phones on Pain and Muscle Fatigue in the Upper Extremity
    A Study on the Introduction of Home-Based Physical Therapy for Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease. J Kor society phys Ther 2015;27(2):118-123
    Comparison of Postural Changes between Slump and Upright Sitting Posture on Neck and Trunk Motion and Erector Spinae Muscles Activity during Writing Task. J Korean Acad Ther 2016;8(1):13-20
    Compare trunk control and balance effects in accordance with training method in acute
    stroke patient. J Korean Acad Ther 2016;8(2):47-58
    Effects of Swallowing Training with Biofeedback on Swallowing Function and Satisfaction in Acute Stroke Patients with Dysphagia The Korea Contents Association. 2017;17(4):63-71
    The Changes of Cognitive performance According to Temperature Change. J Korean Acad Ther 2017;9(1):25-31
    The effects of muscle strengthening exercise on chronic stroke patients’ swallowing
    function and quality of life. J Korean Acad Ther 2017;9(2):51-61
    The Effects of Meta-cognition Strategy Task Training on Occupational Performance and
    High-Level Function of Chronic Stroke Patient with Cognitive Damage. J Korean Acad Ther 2018;10(2):59-71
    Electromyographic analysis ofgluteus medius muscle at different position
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