- 을지대학교 보건환경안전학과 교수
- 한국냄새환경학회 8대 학회장(2016~2017),고문
- JWMAP 3대학회장(2020~현재)
- 지방자치단체 합동평가 지표 개발추진단 위원 (행안부)
- 서울특별시 건설기술심의회 심의위원(2018~2021)
- 경원대학교 공학박사
- 수도권매립지관리공사 기술자문위원(2018~현재)
- 2017 2017-09 PSM 제도의 효율적 개선방안 -장외영향평가제도와 위해관리계획서와의 비교분석을 중심으로- 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2017 2017-12 유해오염물질 처리를 위한 흡연부스의 설계 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2017 2017-10 Entry into the Southeast Asian Energy Market from the Sales Promotion Viewpoint SCIE급등재잡지
- 2018 2018-02 A Study on the Actual Condition of Microplastic Contamination in Mackerel 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2018 2018-12 A Study on Cost-effective Treatment of Wastewater and Odor Reduction for Southeast Asian Market Entry 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2018 2018-02 A study on improvement of distribution facility in wholesale agricultural products market SCIE급등재잡지
- 2019 2019-12 Development of Cost-effective Mosquito Repellent and Distribution Method by Extracting Patchouli Oil 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2019 2019-04 The development of new cost-effective optimization technology for OLED market entry SCIE급등재잡지
- 2019 2019-07 Economical ventilation effectiveness to reduce hazardous chemical emissions for a nail-salon worker SCIE급등재잡지
- 2020 2020-06 Study of face mask filtration efficiency to prevent fine dust to secure people's right to health 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2020 2020-11 Research on Step-Type Chemical Liquid Deodorizer using Liquid Catalyst 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2020 2020-09 Sales energy promotion efficiency and policy utilization plan for energy facilities SCIE급등재잡지
- 2021 2021-03 Behavior-induced Disposable Cup Automatic Separation X-Bin Study 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2021 2021-06 A Study on the Concentration Analysis of Roadside Air Pollutants 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2021 2021-06 A Study on the Odor Removal Control System of Sewage 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2021 2021-09 Development of Complex ModuleDevice for Odor Reduction in Sewage 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2021 2021-09 Setting the Current Air Quality Concentration Using the National Atmosphere Measurement Network 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2021 2021-04 Effect of Improving Quality by Changing the Distribution Method of Shrimp Culture SCIE급등재잡지
- 2022 2022-03 Change of MS Method and Comparison of SIFT-MS Method 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2022 2022-06 Analysis on an Oxidation-Reduction Reaction of Photocatalytic Plasma Complex Module 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2022 2022-06 Improvement Measures for Projects Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment in Urban Areas 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2022 2022-09 A Study for Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Wetlands to Eliminate Toilet Bacteria 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2022 2022-09 Measures to Improve the Efficiency of the Portable Air Quality Measurement System 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2022 2022-12 A Study on the Odor Management of Traditional Markets in the Old and New Towns 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 2022 2022-12 Development of Complex Module Device for Odor Reduction in Sewage 국내학술지(I)-(KCI급)
- 대기오염 방지시설 개발 및 운전관리(집진설비, 유해가스 처리설비, 환기설비)
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- 안전공학전공(TEL : 031-740-7230/7269 ) eu124081@eulji.ac.kr
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