차성수 교수
- 전공 :
- 식품유통, 식품바이오마케팅
- 전화 :
- 031-740-7274
- 연구실 :
- 박애관 204호
- E-mail :
- sscha@eulji.ac.kr
- 고려대학교 경영학 석사
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연구실적 (SSCI / SCI / KCI)
- Attitude of Consumers toward Restaurant Service Robots Based on UTAUT2 Theory. The Korean Journal of Food and Health Convergence, 8(1), 9-16. 2022.
- Metaverse and the Evolution of Food and Retail Industry. The Korean Journal of Food and Health Convergence, 8(2), 1-6. 2022.
- What should be Prioritized for Delivery Café Service in COVID-19? The Journal of Industrial Distribution and Business, 13(3), 25-34. 2022.
- The Importance of Research Ethics and the Countermeasures for Journals: Case Study of KJFHC. Journal of Research and Publication Ethics, 3(1), 13-16. 2022.
- Can Coffee Shops That Have Become the Red Ocean Win with ESG? Journal of Distribution Science, 20(3), 83-93. 2022.
- A Study on Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Continued Use of Food Subscription Service. Journal of Distribution and Management Research, 25(2), 5-17.
- Quality Characteristics of Processed Meat Products by Spices. The Korean Journal of Food and Health Convergence, 8(3), 11-23. 2022.
- A study on the selection attributes affecting pet food purchase: After COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Food Properties, 24(1), 291-303. 2021.
- A study on the customers' eating out behaviors in food consumption patterns. The Korean journal of food and health convergence, 7(1), 7-15. 2021.
- The effect of delivery food on customer emotional response and repurchase intention. The Korean journal of food and health convergence, 7(2), 1-10. 2021
- A Study on Ethics Status of Domestic and Foreign Researchers And Finding Solutions to Unfair Authors. Journal of Research and Publication Ethics, 2(1), 1-6. 2021.
- Senior consumer motivations and perceived value of robot service restaurants in Korea. Sustainability, 13(5), 2755. 2021.
- The Effects of User Experience Factors on Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention at Online Food Market. The Journal of Industrial Distribution and Business, 12(4), 7-13. 2021.
- What Kind of Fun Food Marketing Do Customers Want?. The Korean Journal of Food and Health Convergence, 7(3), 1-11. 2021.
- The Influence of Ramen Selection Attributes on Consumer Purchase Intention. The Korean Journal of Food and Health Convergence, 7(4), 1-11. 2021.
- The Effect of Motivated Consumer Innovativeness on Perceived Value and Intention to Use for Senior Customers at AI Food Service Store. Journal of Distribution Science, 19(9), 91-100. 2021.
- Study on the Relationship between the Characteristics of SNS and Intention to Visit FandB Stores. Journal of Distribution and Management Research, 24(5), 5-18. 2021.
- Customers’ intention to use robot-serviced restaurants in Korea: relationship of coolness and MCI factors. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 2020
- A Cross-National Study on Selection Attributes of Instant Noodle between China and Korea. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 26(1), 1-16. 2020
- The Effect of Convenience Store Dessert on Consumers Value and Satisfaction. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 7(3), 191-199. 2020
- Consumers’ Choice for Fresh Food at Online Shopping in the Time of Covid19. Journal of Distribution Science, 18, 45-53. 2020
- A cross-national study on restaurant attributes between Korea and China. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research. 2019
- Cafeteria Use by Students and Effect of Selection Attributes on Satisfaction. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB), 6(1), 187-194. 2019
- The Effect of Brand Trust of Home Meal Replacement on Repurchasing in Online Shopping. The Journal of Business, Economics, and Environmental Studies (JBEES), 9(3), 21-26. 2019
- Influence of SNS Characteristics on the Brand Image of Infant Food Products. Journal of Industrial Distribution and Business Vol, 10(8), 7-15. 2019
- A Study on Microbial Contamination of Foods Exposed to Multiple Environments. Korean Journal of Food and Health Convergence 5(3), 35-40. 2019
- Smartphone use and smartphone addiction in middle school students in Korea: Prevalence, social networking service, and game use. Health Psychology Open, 5(1), 2055102918755046. 2018
- The Effect of Eating-Out Motives on Restaurant Attributes at Shopping Mall: between Korea and Vietnam. Journal of Distribution Science, 16(1), 37-46. 2018
- The Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction with and Revisiting Coffee Shops in Korea: The Moderating Roles of Psychological Value, Culinary Science and Hospitality Research, 24(2), 1-7. 2018
- The Effect of Menu and Brand of Korean Buffet Restaurant on Perceived Taste Quality and Satisfaction: The Moderating Roles of Consumption Value, Journal of Distribution and Management Research, 21(1), 23-30. 2018
- The Effects of HMR Selection Attributes on Repurchase Intention by Shopping Channels. Journal of Distribution Science, 16(3), 13-21. 2018
- What are Differences of Customer Characteristics between Multi and Single Channel Users? A Big Data Analysis of a Department Store in Korea. International Information Institute (Tokyo), information, 21(4), 1293-1300. 2018
- The Effects of HMR Selection Attributes on Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Shopping Channel. Journal of Distribution Science, Conference Proceedings, 285-291. 2017
- The effect of ball exercise on the balance ability of young adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 29(12), 2087-2089. 2017
- Consumption Value Effects on Shopping Mall Attributes: Moderating Role of On/Off-line Channel Type. Journal of Distribution Science, 15, 5-12. 2017
- The Differences between Multi-channel and Single-channel Customer: Focusing on Shopping Motivation, Store and Product Attribute Importance, and Channel Switch. Journal of Distribution Management, 20(2), 15-23. 2017
- Corporate philanthropy and performance in Korea, presented at The 3rd Conference on Sustainable Business Development in Asia(COSA 2017), August 29-31, Hiroshima, Japan. 2017
- A Comparative Study on Purchasing Behavior of Multi-Channel and Single-Channel Customers Using Retailer’s Data Analysis, Journal of Distribution Research, 21(3), 157-177. 2016
- The factors influencing perceived deception toward sellers in e-commerce: The moderating role of recovery efforts, Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Social Science and Business(ICSSB), pp 685-687, Tokyo, Japan, August 25-27, 2016.
- The Factors of Complex Shopping Mall Infulencing Customer Satisfaction in Korea, Proceedings of the 11thSARDWorkshop, 183-193, Socitey of Asian Retailing and Distribution, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: National First University of Science and Technology, November 29- December 1, 2013
- The Factors of Complex Shopping Mall Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Korea. Journal of Distribution Research, 19(4), 91-116. 2014
- A Study on the Characteristics and Vitalization Strategy for the Multi-Complex Shopping Mall. Journal of Distribution Research, 17. 2012
- BEST PAPER AWARD – Thailand ISGST [2024. 8. 28]
- 최우수 논문상 - 한국농수산유통공사 사장상 [2023.11.4]
- SCI 우수 연구자상 - 을지대학교 총장/이사장상 [2023.8.17]
- 논문발표 대상 - 농림축산식품부장관상 [2022.10.29]
- 최우수 논문상 - IFBC2021 [2021.1.10]
- 최우수 지도자상 - 한국외식경영학회 [2020.11.7]
- BEST PAPER AWARD – KODISA [2017.12.27]
- 최우수 논문상 – 한국조리학회 [2017.11.11]
- 논문발표 우수상 - 한국소비문화학회 [2016.5.28]
- Food Economy
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- FnB Management
- Food Distribution Strategy
- Data Analytics
- Food Merchandising
- 식품생명공학전공(TEL : 031-740-7267 ) eu124271@eulji.ac.kr
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